How to present your home when selling

If you’re looking to sell a property, presentation is paramount. Here are some top tips from the team at VZ Real Estate on how to stand out in the crowd and appeal to potential buyers. First Impressions count When a buyer approach’s your house, the exterior makes the first impression. Overflowing bins, an overgrown yard and piles of shoes near the front door don’t get a good response – your home needs to look loved and cared for from the very beginning. Keep it clean Cleaning your house is a no-brainer. It’s a big mistake to assume buyers can look past a messy kitchen or sticky floor. While you may be accustomed with how your home looks, the first time the buyer sees it – is the memory that sticks. Remove pet hair and pet odours. If you’re unsure if your home has any funny odours, ask a friend to give you an honest opinion. The best smell when selling is fresh, clean air. Cleaning costs nothing – but well worth the effort. De-clutter Stuff seems to accumulate the...