Things we promise NOT to say that other agents might

Real Estate is an incredibly lucrative and competitive business and some Real Estate Agents will do almost anything to get listings in the search for commissions. Unfortunately reputations have been battered in the process. But just remember that not all can be tarred with the same brush. The reality of Real Estate is that agents don’t have to rely on repeat business, so if a customer feels badly treated when selling their property, many agents won’t care and take the attitude ” the disgruntled seller left the area anyway. I will not have to deal with them in the future”. A relatively new phenomenon in the form of online ratings systems and review sites does allow for a degree of exposure and for testimonials to be readily available, but sometimes Real Estate Agents do stretch the truth to get business. “We need money upfront to advertise your property” One of the toughest tasks facing Real Estate Agents is getting listings (properties to sell) so this te...