When asked to price a property, a real estate agent has the opportunity to impress the owner and obtain a listing. Listings are the lifeblood of any real estate career. The two most common lies in the real estate industry involve the estimate price quoted to potential sellers. One is the lie real estate agents are most known and disliked for – the intentional over-inflation of a homeowner’s potential selling price. The second and subtler of the two lies is one of omission. Both have the capacity to hurt a property seller financially and emotionally. Why is an agent prone to using the two lies? For an untrained agent, one who lacks high-level marketing and negotiation skills, the only way to impress and subsequently obtain the listing is to promise the most inflated price they can get away with. Quite simply, they inflate or omit the truth to get business. As property owners, we want to believe. That’s why the two lies are so powerful. It allows people to pl...