Home Loans May Become Easier

One of the big four banks has hinted that getting a home loan may become a little easier following the banking Royal Commission. ANZ’s head of Australian Economics David Plank says that, in terms of policy, most of the credit tightening measures are already in the system. “The Royal Commission report doesn’t point to any further need for banks to tighten,” Plank says. “But there is still some way to go to implement all the steps that they’ve got in place, so you’ll probably see through some further tightening, but the vast bulk of it’s through.” He says it’s unlikely there will be any additional shocks and for some buyers to expect increased competition among lenders. “I think we’ll see at the margin some relaxation perhaps in criteria as they think about what they’re going to do with investor only loans,” he says. “The regulator has made it clear that they don’t want to see any further tightening so it’s possible that greater certainty might lead to some easing up on som...